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Don’t feel Overwhelmed try these 5 time management tips that actually work

Stop Multi Tasking

Multitasking requires you to spread your attention across many tasks, so it is bound to make you feel as if you are juggling your work load The very definition of multitasking ‘the performance of more than one task at the same time’ results in you not giving any single job your full attention. Why is that a problem, put simply the more half finished tasks left open the more overwhelmed you will feel. In order to get a task finished, focus on it 100 per cent. You will get tasks done much more quickly with much better results and with that come a sense of achievement which is an anathema to feelings of overload.

Start with a coffee break

Every morning, get yourself a cuppa, sit down, get your notebook or planner out and break down the tasks or jobs you need to do that day into specific actions and write them down. So rather than having a few large tasks you will have a number of smaller more manageable actions, each taking no longer that 20 minutes to complete. This means that each time you have a spare moment you can tackle one of these smaller actions. This will feel far more manageable as you go through your day ticking off the actions as you go. Remember “Sometimes thinking too much can destroy your momentum.” — Tom Watson

Have a To Do and a Not To Do List

Don’t underestimate the benefit of writing a Not To Do List, this can be as helpful as having a To Do list. Why, well you get to write out all the tasks that are jiggling around in your brain shouting, ‘what about me, I am important’. Once you have them down on paper you can take a good look at them and make a clear assessment of what is important and needs to be on your To Do list and what can wait for another day or week or even next month. Once you have done this your mind is free to concentrate on the important stuff.

Be Realistic

It is important to be realistic about what you can and can’t achieve. There are only so many hours in a day and you must be honest about what can be achieved. Setting unrealistic goals won’t help you or your team, it will lead to an increased sense of overwhelm and feeling out of control, so don’t do it. Setting unachievable goals that simply cannot be completed does not help anyone. Now is not the time for aspirational goal setting, that time will come, but not at the moment.

Prepare the day before

Developing a routine of review at the end of each day that allows you to reflect on what you have achieved today and what needs to be done tomorrow as this will help you to feel in control. It will help you to sleep better and wake up significantly less stressed if you have taken the time to prepare your day the day before.

The reality is that even in a Pandemic, there will be things that you can either leave for now or only give your attention for a short time, so the key thing is to get visibility on what you’re dealing with.

Build these 5 tips into your daily routine and you will stop overwhelm in its tracks.

remember You get what you focus on so focus on what you want.

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